Oregon AFSCME Central Table Locals Ratify Historic Contract

We are excited to announce that all Oregon AFSCME Central Table locals have successfully ratified their contracts. The Central Table contracts mark a historic pay raise for State workers with COLA increases of over 13% during the next two years. This win is a testament to the strength of our collective bargaining efforts! 

Top Wins of the Central Table Contract

1. $1,500 COLA Bonus in September 2023:

To provide immediate relief and recognize the incredible efforts of State workers, the contract includes a $1,500 COLA bonus scheduled for September 2023. 

2. 6.55% COLA Increase in December 2023:

One of the standout victories of this contract is the substantial 6.55% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase scheduled for December 2023. This increase ensures that State workers will see a tangible boost to their income, helping them keep pace with the rising cost of living.

3. 6.5% COLA Increase in Early 2025:

Not only do we have a significant COLA increase in 2023, but we've also secured a 6.5% COLA increase in early 2025, ensuring that State workers will continue to see improvements in their compensation well into the future.

4. Maintained Current Contract Benefits:

In addition to these impressive COLA increases and bonuses, we are pleased to announce that we have successfully maintained all current contract benefits, including the current pay structure. This ensures job security and stability for our members, safeguarding the rights and protections they have come to rely on.

This contract underscores the value of collective bargaining and the power we hold when we stand together as a union. As we move forward, we remain committed to advocating for the rights and well-being of all Oregon AFSCME members and continuing to secure fair and equitable contracts that benefit us all.