Bargaining News 2024-2025

Our current contract is set to expire on New Year's Eve  (December 31, 2024).  Based on responses to a survey that was conducted before bargaining began, our Bargaining Platform articulates the values and goals that will be centered throughout negotiations for our next contract. 

 Bargaining Updates


Our union is not something that exists apart from it's membership.  We--AFSCME Local 189 members, collectively--ARE our union.  And what our union can and can't accomplish at the bargaining table (or anywhere else for that matter) depends entirely on action and engagement from individual rank-and-file members.  The more of us that get involved, the stronger we are collectively and the better outcomes we can acheive.  If you're watching the bargaining process unfold and you're thinking, "someone ought to....", ask yourself if that someone might be you.

  • NEW 10/21:  The clock has run out on the legally-required 150 day bargaining period.  Sadly, the city and our local are still quite far apart on several critical issues, including among other things, job security (outsourcing our work) shifts, overtime, layoff/recall protections, holidays, healthcare and life insurance, several leave-related articles, safety and sanitation, union representation, tools, professional development and, predictably enough, wages. This is why our bargaining team has taken the next step--calling for mediation.  During that time a state appointed mediator will join any scheduled sessions to help facilitate good faith bargaining. Mediation must last at least 15 days before either side can declare an impasse. Our bargaining team needs your input to decide which of the still-unsettled articles are MOST important to our membership. This action item is easy.  All you have to do is visit this website and take the survey as soon as possible.   
  • UPDATED 10/21: Our first practice picket was a huge success.  We were 150 strong, and were joined at the Water Bureau Interstate office by representatives from 8 other locals, unions, and supporters, at least a half dozen candidates for Portland City Council, State-wide AFSCME (Council 75) and of course the firce members of the mighty Local 189! Let's keep up the momentum!  Join us on Monday, Nov 4, from 4-6 at PPB Central Precint (1111 SW 2nd) for our next BIG action
  • Updated 10/21:  One of the ways we build bargaining power is by supporting candidates for elected office who will have our backs in a fair contract fight.  Thank you to the amazing members who showed their support for our fellow Local 189 member, Portland City Council Council District 3 candidate Chris Flanary, on Saturday Oct 19.  There's still a HUGE need for volunteers to help get out the vote for union-friendly candidates.  Contact Local 189 PAC Chair JoAnn Gillmer for details (info on the leadership page) to be connected to a campaign in your neighborhood!    
  • We're still asking for members to "be seen in green" (wear green and/or union shirts) as a show of solidarity with our fellow members who are representing us at the bargaining table.  Remote workers are encouraged to use "digital swag" to show their support.  If you'd like an AFSCME 189 background/Icon to display your on-line/remote presence, contact your Chapter Chair or a Member Action Team member. 
  • We still need Member Action Team (MAT) members to help spread information about what's happening with their co-workers.  It's easy and it takes only a few minutes a month.  Working with a MAT team captain or a Chapter Chair, each MAT team member commits to simply sharing news coming out of the Bargaining Team with their co-workers.  (Ideally, it's one MAT team member for every 10 members.)  That's all there is to it.  If we need to take collective action at any point during the bargaining process, our MAT team members and captains will be the first to know the details (when, where, how) of that action.  If you're interested in serving as a MAT team member, contact your Chapter Chair.  You'll find their contact information in the "About Us" section of this website, under Leadership Info. 

Proposals and Tenative Agreements